Welcome Back!


The faculty and staff welcome all our new and returning students to the 2013-2014 school year at Trinity!  We look forward to teaching your children and experiencing all the great things that lay ahead for this year together!


Forms, Forms and More Forms

The beginning of the school year is a busy time!  Please make sure you turn in all needed forms to the school office as soon as possible.  All students must have on file and up to date emergency form, parent contract, photo release form and volunteer form (if you plan on volunteering on campus) and driver’s license and car insurance (if you plan on driving for any field trips).  If you need another copy of any of these forms please see the front office or email Cathy Fuller at cfuller@trinitydowntown.org.


Reminder of Weather Related Closings

The beginning of the school year coincides with the heart of hurricane season in Florida.  Since there are some storms in the news we wanted to remind everyone what the handbook states:

 Trinity Lutheran School often follows the calendar of the Orange County Public Schools.  Emergency closures for natural reasons, announced by the Orange County Public Schools, will be in effect for Trinity Lutheran School. Trinity may re-open prior to OCPS based on our own circumstances.  Please check the school website http://school.trinitydowntown.com for updates on openings and closing during these times.

Viking Athletics

Fall sports have started!  Volleyball practices are on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 3:30pm to 5:30pm.  Wednesday practices are at 2:30-4:30pm.  Please be sure that the sports fee of $40.00 is paid by the end of the week.

Come on out and cheer your Lady Vikings Volleyball team at their first game next Tuesday, August 27th at 4:30pm in the gym.  Wear your Trinity sticker and get into the game FREE!

The first away game is on Thursday, August 29th against Grace Lutheran in Winter Haven.  Parents of players who intend to drive students to the game must have driver clearance completed through the office.

Go Vikings!!!

Sports Physicals Reminder

Please remember if your child is going to participate in after school athletics we must have a current physical on file.  If you do not have one on file your child will not be able to participate until so.  Please contact Coach T with any questions.


Parent Teacher League (PTL)


All parents of children attending Trinity Lutheran School are encouraged to become active participants in the PTL.  All families are members of the PTL and  the dues are part of your student’s registration fee.  The purpose of the PTL is to offer Christian help and guidance for parents, to bring the home, the church and the school into a closer relationship and to work in the interest of Christian education in Trinity Lutheran School.


The following events are a great way that you can become involved in our PTL. We are still in need of volunteers for each of them!  What a great way to earn some P.R.I.C.E. hours and have fun!   Sign up sheets can be found in the front office starting Monday.


*  PTL Room Parent Dinner, August 29th at 6:00pm – Please contact Ann Higgerson at    ann.spangler@orlandohealth.com –

*  Grandparents Day Event, Wednesday, September 11 – Please contact Jamie Erpenbach at jamieerp@gmail.com

*  Fall Book Fair, September 10-12th – Please contact Lynn Hoctor at lhoctor@earthlink.net


The PTL General Meeting will be held on September 26th at 6:00pm.  All parents and invited and encouraged to attend.  This is a great opportunity to learn more about what our PTL does and what parents can do to get involved!


Moms in Prayer

Trinity Lutheran School is looking to begin a new Moms in Prayer Group on campus this year.   If you are interested in joining this group as we pray through our staff and children this year, please email Lisa Moore at lmoore@trinitydowntown.org.