The morning of Maundy Thursday was dedicated to walking Trinity’s three year old, VPK and Kindergarten students through the events of Holy Week so they have a series of hands-on experiences connecting them to those events in history. This is the second annual Easter station event at Trinity, and is eagerly anticiapted by everyone involved. A huge amount of preparation goes into the planning and execution of getting over 160 little ones organized and marching though multiple stations on campus – but our teaching and ministry staff made it look like a breeze and the kids really enjoyed the experience. At the end of the day, they all go home with a greater understanding of what happened in the days preceeding when we celebrate on Easter Sunday!
The activities began in the courtyard, where Deaconess Liz prayed with the entire group! We also caught Deaconess Liz celebrating in the music station later on too! The children moved from classroom to courtyard, from the gym to the hallway, back to classrooms and on the playgound… from station to station.
Stations included:
Gym Station
The kids endured an obstacle course, much like Jesus endured very difficult events during Holy Week.
Sticker Station
The kids used stickers to tell the Holy Week story.
Feet washing Station
The kids learned that by washing each other’s feet, they are serving and loving others.
Empty Tomb Station
The kids learned that the tomb is empty, he is not here!
Resurrection Station
The kids made resurrection eggs and learn through each item which go the eggs: Green-chalice, blue-donkey, orange-praying hands, purple nails, pink-rock from tomb, yellow-green of thorns. The stained glass egg represented Easter Day – Jesus is alive!!
Music Station
The kids praised the Lord to Hosanna Rock and Lord I Lift Your Name on High
Also given to each student was a bag to take home all of their creations. Included in the bag was printed information for parents sharing all the details of the event, what the kids learned and how to put the eggs together. The kids were all able to go home well prepared and excited to share the Easter Story with their family and friends – HE IS ALIVE!!
Many thanks to all of our teachers and Deaconess Liz for putting togehter such a meaningful experience for the little ones on campus! There is nothing better than watching little ones learn such meaningful lessons at school and be able to take it home and share with others!
Happy Easter!