Be This! Our theme this year is Matthew 5:16 “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” So we want our students “Be This!” – a Light for those around them. Our focus this year will be how they can do this. And our hope is that they learn this happens by showing love and by performing random acts of kindness for those around them (more to come on this later!).
One thing to think about is who are “Lights” to your children. You as parents are their first example. Our teachers and staff are as well. This is one of the joys to working in a Christian school. But another great “Light” in your children’s lives are their Grandparents. This coming Sunday is Grandparent’s Day, which is why Trinity Lutheran School is celebrating with our event on Wednesday, September 11th. This is an opportunity to recognize our grandparents for the love they show us in all they do for us. Take a little time this weekend to think about how your grandparents and your children’s grandparents are “lights” in your lives and maybe even find a way to thank them for it.
– Melissa Bergholt – TLS Principal