Educational technology abounds at Trinity.  Teacher at all grade levels routinely use SmartBoards, projectors, document cameras, desktop workstations and portable devices in classrooms. Middle School students rely upon their very own Chromebooks to access online textbooks, pursue tutorials, design projects, compose essays, collaborate by email, and by all means, have "an app, for that!"  Our robust firewall, stalwart GoGuardian monitoring software, and hearty student Acceptable Use Policy all guide students to safe, responsible, and optimal use of the technology at their fingertips.

Trinity teachers hone their own tech skills through Redbird Advanced Professional Learning, powered by the research of the Graduate School of Education at Stanford University.  Harnessing the utility and the wide-range of technology, teachers bolster their instructional repertoire with classes in:

  • Blended methodology
  • Technology integrations
  • Project-based learning
  • GAFE (google Apps for Education)

Unique to Redbird are the individual platforms that launch teachers into their own realms of avatars, educational gaming, on-site collaboration, competition (ask your child's teacher who is currently in first place among teachers at Trinity!), and global exchanges with tech-savvy leaders and teachers in K-16 education.  Redbird keeps Trinity at the crest of innovation and ingenuity in educational technology.