
We are excited to announce new discounts for a limited time!number1000


Current Student Families – Referral Discount

Refer a new student – you get $1000 off your child’s tuition!  The $1000 discount will apply to each of your students enrolled at Trinity.



  • For each new student referred and enrolled for the 2014-2015 school year, the referring family and the new family will each receive $1,000 off one child’s tuition.
  • The discount applies to one year’s tuition only.
  • The discount applies to current and referred families in the K-8 program only.
  • Should a current family refer a new student and apply for tuition assistance, the $1,000 discount will be included as part of their tuition assistance and not be awarded in addition to assistance.  This applies to the referred family as well.
  • This promotion will apply during March and April 2014 only.



New Student Promotion for March and April

When you enroll any time during the month of March or April, you will receive  $1000 off the tuition of each of your students!



  • New families to enroll during the month of March and April will receive a discount of $1,000 off of each child’s tuition.
  • This discount applies to a new family’s first year of enrollment only.
  • New is defined as a family that has never enrolled at Trinity or who has not attended Trinity in at least one school year.
  • Should a new family apply for tuition assistance, the $1,000 discount will be included as part of their tuition assistance and not be awarded in addition to assistance.
  • This promotion will apply to new families who enroll during March and April 2014 only.