Student Life at Trinity

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Read our most recent blog posts about our current Activities.

Learning is active at Trinity Lutheran School!

Author Talks Enhance Reading Program

Author Talks Enhance Reading Program

This week the students of Trinity Lutheran School were treated to an early Christmas present when Dr. Jeremy Levitt stopped by to read his newly released book to the VPK-4th graders. His daughter, a Trinity student in VPK, introduced her father to her classmates in...

Diabetes Awareness Day

Diabetes Awareness Day

Did you know nearly 30 million children and adults in the United States have diabetes? Diabetes is a disease that affects the whole family, especially when a child is diagnosed. Whether you're a parent, sibling or other family member, your support and understanding...

Little Explorers tour the Orlando Sentinel

Little Explorers tour the Orlando Sentinel

One of the many benefits of Trinity's location in Downtown Orlando is our proximity to an endless number of field trip opportunities, many at locations where Trinity parents are employed.  Trinity Lutheran School's "Little Explorers" in VPK recently took a special...

Pumpkin Patch Success!

Pumpkin Patch Success!

Thank you to all the volunteers and shoppers who made Trinity’s first Downtown Orlando Pumpkin Patch a great success and so much fun! In two weeks we generated more than $7,000 in pumpkin sales, and just over $2,000 of that goes to PTL as profit to support our school....

Our Community Helpers

Our Community Helpers

Trinity Lutheran School's Kindergarten class has been super busy over the last several weeks learning about their community and its helpers. They took a field trip to meet and talk to a librarian, met with construction workers & pilots, and even had a visit from...

Flying 1st Graders

Flying 1st Graders

Archimedes, Bernoulli, Pascal, and TLS 1st Graders -- what do these people have in common? Every one of them was fascinated by flight and the properties of fluids. The air that we breathe is a fluid and early experiments conducted by Bernoulli, Archimedes, and Pascal...

Learning About Fire Safety

Learning About Fire Safety

Trinity Lutheran School got a very special visit from Orlando’s Fire Department Station 1. The firefighters spent time with students in VPK through second grade to demonstrate what firefighters do to get ready when the alarm sounds at the firehouse. The students then...