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Learning is active at Trinity Lutheran School!
Achievement Testing at Trinity: STAR Early Literacy
Throughout the school year students in Kindergarten through Grade 2 take several assessments to gauge their progress in Reading and Mathematical skills. STAR Early Literacy Tests are administered three times each year (often more!) as an iPad-based diagnostic...
National Day of Prayer
Mrs. Brockberg and students in Grades 7 and 8 led Trinity to our knees in prayer for the National Day of Prayer on Thursday, May 7. The National Day of Prayer has grown to become a world-wide event since the First Continental Congress inaugurated a “call to prayer” in...
Fiesta !
While many know that today, the fifth day of May, is Cinco de Mayo, few know the origins of this Mexican celebration. Cinco de Mayo is not Mexican Independence Day; that is celebrated September 16, just as the Americans celebrate our country's Independence Day on July...
Learning Fair 2015: Math Mania
Algebra Tiles, Money Bingo, Cool Circuits, Spirograph, Add-Sub Combo Tiles, Fraction Zone, Time Tiles, GEO Solids, Tangrams, Krypto Challenge, Pattern Block Puzzles, Multiplication Bingo and 12 more active math games, puzzles, and calculation activities challenged and...
25,000 Problems, and Counting (of course its counting, its Math!)!
Back in October, I blogged about a pilot project for Middle School Math students called IXL. IXL is a play on words rather than an acronym, expressing the outcome of this online skills practice program. I have noticed a growing feeling on the part of my math students...
Trinity’s Top Chef
Mr. Rich Poole, Trinity’s School Chef won top honors in the annual Taste of College Park festival this month. “Bridesmaid, again,” Rich commented as his Green Coat Catering team took second place in “The Best Overall” category for the second year in a row. Green Coat...
Trinity Lutheran School-Now Enrolling
Enrollment at Trinity is now open to our Orlando-area community. Nestled in Downtown Orlando, parents trust the nurture and educational training Trinity Lutheran School provides for Infants through Eighth Grade. Whether in our cradling infant nurseries, cozy child...
Learning about the “Holy” in Holy Week
This week of events, 2000 years ago for Jesus in Jerusalem, and for all of us on our campus in Downtown Orlando, are known as Holy Week. What does it mean to be holy? This is the question teachers asked students throughout the week, and the correct explanation begins...
Guest Music Teacher – Danielle Smith
Today (Monday, March 30), the Middle School music class welcomed Ms. Danielle Smith to share a bit about a very special summer music program and to lead the students in some fun music exercises and games. However, Ms. Smith is no stranger to the Trinity music room as...
State Championship and All Stars
Trinity was a hot spot during the month of February for basketball events, hosting both the Florida Lutheran Athletic Association State Basketball Tournament and the Central Florida Lutheran Athletic Association All-Star Weekend. Bringing in twelve teams reaching from...
So, what’s left?
As the end of the year approaches, you may be wondering what is left in regards to athletics at Trinity? Here are some highlights to get you pumped for this last quarter! Indoor Soccer With construction taking up our soccer field, we are unable to participate in the...
Students vs. Staff BBall
In case you missed it, enjoy some photos from the Students vs. Staff basketball game.