Read our most recent blog posts about our current Activities.
Learning is active at Trinity Lutheran School!
“Masquerade Madness” Silent Auction Event
Join us on Saturday, April 25th, 6pm-10pm for an evening of fun and fellowship at Trinity Lutheran Church & School. With your masquerade mask and beads (provided upon arrival) you can expect an evening of gaming, music, 4 Rivers Smokehouse catering while...
Driftwood Friday Update
Dear Trinity, Here are some more cool words we know: loliguncula brevis. This has a siphon, beak, 2tentacles, 8 legs, a mantle, chromatophores, gills, fins, a shell, and an ink sac. Do you know what a loliguncula brevis is? It is a squid!! We examined them,...
Pi-Day 2015, or do you say “Pie-Day”?
From Grade 4 onward, you probably remember something about about a fascinating ratio for the measurement of circles, the Greek symbol ∏ pronounced “pi”. The ratio of the circumference, the distance around a circle to the diameter, and the distance across the circle...
Driftwood – Thursday Update
What do alligators, s'mores, campfires, mess halls, long bus rides, King snakes, frisbees, bearded lizards, skits, songs, prayers, salt marshes, food chains, and mud pits all have in common? They are all a part of our Driftwood experience! This is what we think you...
Trinity Downtown vs. 106.7 Cheap Shots!
Join us this Tuesday evening at 7pm for an evening of family fun at Trinity Downtown. The XL 106.7 Cheap Shots basketball team will play against the Trinity Downtown team made up of our school parents, staff and TLS coaches. At halftime, enjoy dance and cheer...
Smooth and Seamless Achievement Testing at Trinity
From the desk of Principal Kevin Brockberg While the Florida Department of Education is currently experiencing technical difficulties in delivering the new FSA testing regimen in public schools, last week Trinity students in Grades 3-8 completed their MAP assessments...
Celebrating Black History Month at Epcot
Joshua O., a Grade 5 student at Trinity, shared these reflections about his recent field trip to Epcot and the presentation of the Kinsey Collection of Black History. Through Josh's poignant pen, you too will catch the illustriousness of the experience at Epcot for...
Chapel with Threes
At Trinity Lutheran School, in addition to seeking excellence through the developmental and academic curriculum you would expect, we also teach about the world as created by God. We help students to think of themselves as God’s beloved children through the work of...
BBall Tournaments
Both our boys and girls varsity basketball teams had successful weekends playing in our conference tournaments. While they did not come out victorious, they ended their season shining Christ's love on the court. During Trinity's overnight trip to Jacksonville for...
Assessing Learning at Trinity
At Trinity Lutheran School, all students in Grades 3-8 take achievement tests called Measures of Academic Progress® (or MAP®).
Students vs. Staff Game
Don’t miss our final basketball game of the year…the infamous annual “Students vs. Staff Game.” Coming off a successful season, what better way for our athletes to celebrate than to beat the snot out of their teachers on the court? This will surely be a blast for...
State Basketball Tournament
Trinity Lutheran School is honored to announce that it has been selected to host the 2015 Lutheran School State Championship Basketball Tournament! From February 20-22, twelve boys and girls teams from across Florida will fight for the title of “State Champion” in...