Student Life at Trinity

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Read our most recent blog posts about our current Activities.

Learning is active at Trinity Lutheran School!

Trinity’s Animal Museum

Trinity’s Animal Museum

Have you ever petted a bobcat or swum the Great Barrier Reef alongside a sea turtle? Well, Trinity's 3rd and 4th graders have with their latest science project! Last week Mrs. Tech's 3rd and 4th graders put on a special exhibit for the entire school.  They transformed...

Lighting The Good News

Lighting The Good News

Each year Trinity, in partnership with The Office of The Mayor, helps bring in the Christmas season with the annual Tree Lighting Ceremony at the Walt Disney Amphitheater in Downtown Orlando.  Students spend all semester learning their songs and practicing their...

Fruit of the Spirit: Goodness

Fruit of the Spirit: Goodness

In the Garden of Adventure VPK class, led by Mrs. Adams and Ms. Joyner, everyone is studying the Fruit of the Spirit. Each month the class focuses on one fruit and how they can share that fruit with friends, family and community. During the month of November, the...

Let’s Get Musical!

Let’s Get Musical!

"Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world." -Martin Luther Theater, dance, and chorus all combine for noble adventures in music at Trinity. Led by music teachers Mr. Howard and Mrs. Malenke, students not only learn about...

VPK Gratitude Turkey

VPK Gratitude Turkey

The Garden of Discovery VPK class participated in an exercise in gratitude this month. Teachers created a classroom turkey who lost all of his feathers. The feathers were sent home as a family project - each family had to decorate one feather and write on it what they...

World Diabetes Day 2016

World Diabetes Day 2016

Every year November 14th is recognized as World Diabetes Day. This special day was created by the United Nations and aims to bring educational awareness about both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes to the public. This year Trinity Lutheran School students gathered outside on...

Kindergarten Cornerstones

Kindergarten Cornerstones

With Kindergarten a mere nine months away for VPK students, that may cause alarm for parents.  While Trinity cannot slow the march of time, we are confident we can ease the ever-so-natural anxiousness swirling about the VPK-to-K transition.  We think you, too, will...

Your Vote Counts! Mock Election 2016

Your Vote Counts! Mock Election 2016

  Trinity students in grades 1-8 exercised a civic opportunity to vote at student polling stations in Trinity's Fellowship Hall on Tuesday, November 8th, on their way to PE classes. Special ballots, different and appropriate for each grade level, involved...