Trinity’s courtyard was filled with laughter and joy this past Friday morning as the infants all the way through eighth grade classrooms lined up for the annual Halloween Parade. There were scientists, ladybugs, explorers, hippy kids, bumble bees, community helpers, and more! Even parents and teachers dressed up to join in on the fun! The children paraded around the school and waved and smiled at passersby. The parade ended in the gym with songs the children have been practicing with our music teachers Mrs. Malenke and Mr. Howard.  Thanks to all the parents and grandparents who came out to participate in all the fun!

You may have noticed that at Trinity we all love All Hallows Eve, or as we call it now, Halloween. Tomorrow on All Saints Day (and during worship this weekend) we celebrate the victory Jesus has won for us over death. Traditionally the evening events of the faithful were to gather for worship and celebrate that there is nothing to fear in this life – not death, demons, or the devil!  Eventually, folks even dressed up to make fun of said creatures… which evolved into the Halloween celebrations that we have today.

So no matter your Halloween traditions, take a moment today to reflect with your family: There’s nothing to fear in this life – Jesus is always with us – we can celebrate His victory over sin, death, and the devil – and even eat some candy in the process! Happy All-Saints-Eve!!
