by Ministry Communications | Sep 27, 2016 | News Feed, Uncategorized
This week the Garden of Discovery VPK class at Trinity Lutheran School is learning all about neighborhoods. They’re learning that neighborhoods are made up of many components, and that the Church is a very important part of every community. So, the Garden of...
by Ministry Communications | Aug 22, 2016 | News Feed, Uncategorized
Each year during Summer Camp at Trinity Lutheran School our students and staff get involved with the community and create a service project. This summer, with all that has happened here in Orlando, we thought it would be a great idea to show our local police...
by Ministry Communications | Jun 16, 2016 | News Feed, PTL News, Uncategorized
Touch-A-Truck Is Coming In November! The annual Touch-A-Truck event is a wonderful opportunity to bring the community together and give kids a chance to explore a variety of vehicles! Big trucks, little trucks, skinny trucks and wide trucks will be on hand for...
by Ministry Communications | May 4, 2016 | News Feed, Uncategorized
This week is Staff Appreciation Week at Trinity Downtown. All year long the dedicated staff of Trinity Downtown, in all ministry programs, work hard and give their personal best to make Trinity the special place it is — with Christ at the heart of all of it....
by Ministry Communications | Mar 11, 2016 | News Feed, Uncategorized
The arts are certainly alive at Trinity! One way we learn about our world and show our appreciation for God’s Creation is through the arts; singing, dancing, drawing, and acting. Trinity Lutheran School loves to promote the arts through not only through our art...
by Ministry Communications | Mar 8, 2016 | News Feed, Uncategorized
More than 200 people came out to “Get Groovy” with Pete the Cat and his friends at this year’s Read-In and Spring Book Fair. Kids gathered on big carpets on the gym floor to watch Pete the Cat (Ms. Colby), Pete’s Mom (Ms. Stacey), and Gus (Mr....