Growing Literate

Growing Literate

Here at Trinity Lutheran School literacy is a skill-set that doesn’t stop being taught in Reading, Spelling, or Language Arts class, it is something that we encourage our staff and families to share with our students and communities. Literacy skills are...
Grandparents Day 2015

Grandparents Day 2015

The Trinity Downtown campus was full of smiling faces and excitement today as we welcomed Grandparents to participate in morning assembly, classroom activities, chapel, and book fair shopping. Invitations were sent to more than 300 Grandparents this year for our...
Preparing for Touch A Truck 2015

Preparing for Touch A Truck 2015

At Trinity Downtown’s Touch-a-Truck event last year, forty-one vehicles partnered with Trinity Lutheran School’s PTL to give Orlando families a day of fun on the Trinity campus.  This year, we’ll host our 6th annual Touch-a-Truck event on Saturday...