The Trinity Downtown campus was full of smiling faces and excitement today as we welcomed Grandparents to participate in morning assembly, classroom activities, chapel, and book fair shopping. Invitations were sent to more than 300 Grandparents this year for our annual Grandparents Day event which celebrates the special relationship between Grandparents and their Grandchildren. Here are some highlights from today’s activities…
Little ones with Grandparents on the playground and in the classroom:
- Toddler fun on the playground
- Brave Butterflies artists
- Crafts and creativity
- Drawing with Grands
VPK classroom activities included crafts and story time reading of The Gift of being Grand:
Kindergarten class making frames together with the Grandparents to showcase their favorite photos:
Deaconess Liz thoroughly enjoyed spending a story time with the first grade class. The children were most attentive and interested. Mrs. Green shared with students and Grandparents the value of reasoning, remembering, and projecting results from the facts in the story. What a delight to see children’s minds open up and to have Grandparents there to participate in the lesson!
Grades 4/5 actively involved with Grandparents at their desks:
Middle School Science Lab is a great place to spend time with Grands:
- Lighting up the room in middle school science…
- Surprise! This one shined so brightly, it burned out!
Coming together for worship with students and Grandparents was a joyful reminder of the foundation upon which our families are built; Jesus Christ. Christ is at the core of all we do here at Trinity Downtown. Our theme scripture passage this year, Colossians 2:7, encourages the growth of that strong foundation, saying sink your roots in Christ and build on them. Be strengthened by the faith that you were taught, and overflow with thanksgiving.
- Getting ready to sing
- Its a house full house
- Everyone in their places
- A view from Mr. Tayons perspective
- Christ at the center of all we do!
The Grandparent’s prayer that bounced responsively from pulpit side, to lecturn side, to the Pastor made quite an impression on our guests. If you missed it, we’ve included it here:
A Grandparent’s Prayer (by Crystal Bowman):
Lord, I come to you today and lift my prayer to you.
Please be with my grandkids, in everything they do.
Help their little eyes to see only what is good.
Give them mouths that speak the truth and say the words they should.
Give them ears to listen well; please help them to obey.
Give them feet that follow you; don’t let them go astray.
Help their minds to understand the things that come from you.
Give them wisdom through your Word to know what’s right and true.
Surround them with your angels, and keep them in your care.
Help them, Lord, to turn to you and talk to you in prayer.
As they grow and as they learn, please teach them right from wrong.
And when they face temptation, Lord, help them to be strong.
Teach them how to love and care the way you want them to.
Help them to experience the joy of serving you.
Lord please bless these little ones with blessings from above.
Give them faith and give them hope and fill their hearts with love.
with an additional verse penned by Dr. Brockberg…
Inspire their teachers with patience, understanding, and love,
Grant each the wisdom and grace that comes from You above.
Lord, listen to our solemn prayer. Offered up with love and care. Amen.
Many thanks to our ministry leaders, faculty and staff, our PTL, and our parent/church/school board volunteers for making this special day a great success. And a special thanks to all of our amazing Grandparents who were able to participate in this special celebration. We hope to see you again next year!
“2015 – Growing Deeper” -Sink your roots in Christ and build on them. Be strengthened by the faith that you were taught, and overflow with thanksgiving. -from Colossians 2:7