On Wednesday, January 28, Trinity welcomed another guest chapel leader to talk with us about our chapel offering for February.  Mark Brink, the Executive Director of Christian School Ministries at our District Office, came in to share with us a little bit about this year’s Hearts for Jesus project.  Every year, our district designates a ministry to be the recipient of the Hearts for Jesus funds, which often receives offering funds from Lutheran school chapel services during the month of February.  This year, Trinity’s offering will go to support a local ministry, Rebecca’s Garden of Hope.

At chapel, our students learned that Rebecca’s Garden of Hope is a ministry that serves children whose families cannot supply everything they need to lead healthy lives, physically and spiritually.  Mr. Mark Brink also shared how giving our offering is like nurturing a plant; with our gifts, we can help all the children in Ms. Rebecca’s garden to grow healthy too!

If you see any Trinity students in the near future, ask them what they know about HOPE.  The message that Mr. Brink really wanted to share is how, by supporting Rebecca’s Garden of Hope, we are giving those children hope for a better future, just as Jesus gives us hope that we will join Him in heaven for eternity.  What a great God!..one who gives us hope and allows us to share that hope with those around us.



Click here for more information regarding Rebecca’s Garden of Hope or the Hearts for Jesus project and be sure to thank Mr. Mark Brink (mbrink@flgadistrict.org) for sharing his time and thoughts with us!