Happy Day everyone! Pastor Billy here with a quick word of the fun of today!
I love Halloween! I love dressing up! (Well loved it a lot more when I was paid to dress up in elaborate costumes at dance!)
You may have noticed that at Trinity we all love Halloween! Well to be a bit more old school – we love All Saints Day. Tomorrow, November 1st is the day we celebrate the victory Jesus has won for us over death. Sure these bodies will fail us one day, but that’s nothing to worry about or be scared of. We especially remember those who have died in the faith before us. Let me invite you to church this weekend (Sat. 6pm, Sun. 8, 9:30, 11am) to experience our very special All-Saints Worship.
Now just like the Christmas Holiday actually begins for us the night before with Christmas Eve, All Saints Day begins with All Hallows Eve, or as we call it now, Halloween. (Lazy English!) Traditionally the evening events of the faithful were to gather for worship and celebrate that there is nothing to fear in this life – not death, demons, or the devil! Eventually, folks even dressed up to make fun of said creatures. Of course eventually it evolved into what we have today.
So no matter your Halloween traditions, take a moment today to reflect with your family: There’s nothing to fear in this life – Jesus is always with us – we can celebrate His victory over sin, death, and the devil – and even eat some candy in the process!
Happy All-Saints-Eve!!
– Pastor Billy
p.s. For you hardcore Lutherans following the other name for today: Reformation Day – here’s the rest of the story. In 1517 Martin Luther was a Professor in Wittenburg where he was confused and troubled by the local teachings and practices of the Catholic Church. He wished to have a dicussion/debate with folks in his town and to bring attention to the misconduct to the higher-ups in the church of the day. Knowing that the town would be gathering for All-Saints Eve worship, Luther nailed (pinned) the 95 Thesis (discussion points) to the town bulletin board – the door of the church. It worked of course – well kind of. His students are said to have pulled down the document and began making copies of it on the town’s printing press…. but I’ll stop there…. want to know more? Come to chapel next week! Our 4th & 5th graders will be telling the life of Luther! Peace! pb