To all our families away from campus – Happy Summer!
Things on campus are buzzing along with summer fun. Camp Trinity is in full force traveling around Orlando on exciting field trips, enjoying silly games and cool movies, and of course learning about Jesus. Our CDC classrooms are enjoying their normal fun days with some water days worked in.
We hope you are having a great time wherever summer take your family. During summer chapels and weekend worship we have been praying for safe travels and blessings on all of you who are away. We look forward to the fall and are excited for what the Lord has for us this coming school year.
As we plan for this next year, we are really working to develop the theme “Growing Together.” As of now we have some exciting all campus projects in the work and some great ideas that will come to life inside the classroom. Have your own growing together ideas? Email me! I’d love to hear them!
Be safe, know you are loved (by Jesus & us!), and come back quickly!
Pastor Billy