Leading Ladybugs take turns completing patterns at carpet time. They also learned about the five senses of Christmas which included senory experiences with (feel) pine needles, (taste) candycanes, (hear) jinglebells, (smell) cookies and (see) presents.

The Brave Butterflies are having lots of fun this Christmas season making very special home made gifts for their family. This activity was finger painting wreaths!

Photo Shoot
Along with the homemade gifts, special photographs were taken to be sent home to parents. Creative teachers made their own Christmas photo shoot set-up in the classroom!

Chapel Lessons
A very special little one from the Talented Turtles got to play the part of the King at chapel this week. He was treated with homor and respect, wore a special crown, robe and was seated in a big regal red chair
Mrs. Malenke talked to the children about what it means to be a king but that Jesus is the only king we should worship! While we should always honor and respect all of our leaders, from our parents all the way to our elected officials, we only worship Jesus.

Reaching for Toys
This little Hatchling is working on reaching for toys with Mrs. Pam!

Tummy Time
The infants in The Hatchling’s room are all smiles for tummy time.

Sand Box
These children are “making pumpkin pie for Santa” in the sand box. (We didn’t know he liked pumpkin pie. You learn something new every day!)