Nestled in downtown Orlando, TLS provides a nurturing and educational environment for infants through eighth grade. Whether in our warm and cozy infant/toddler settings, home-like preschool atmosphere, vibrant elementary classrooms or pulsing middle school, our parents know we wrap our students in the loving arms of Jesus Christ. Our secure five-acre campus provides ample space for our state-of-the-art Child Development Center, sports field, full-size gym, science and portable technology lab, art studio, and a historic setting for our weekly chapel worship. Music? Spanish? We have those, too.

Become a part of the Trinity family and experience award-winning education that embraces the future while being rooted in foundations of tradition.  Trinity Lutheran School… building a strong family rooted in Christ’s love.

The students of Trinity Downtown challenge you to: support Trinity Lutheran School with a donation, exercise aerobically, and watch and pray as we  “Grow Together” and complete our building campaign with a new soccer field, a renovated school library, and additional technology tools.

What is the Viking Challenge? You may be familiar with the IceBucket Challenge, the fund raising phenom of 2014 for the cause of ALS research.  At Trinity our Viking Challenge is more than a quick cold splash.  We are challenging you do dive in, dash, pedal, wheelchair, walk, skateboard, jog, you can choose what to do with your family and friends.  We want you to enjoy the challenge of fun and fitness and to remember Trinity with a gift for our encouragement to get active.



Learn More About Trinity Lutheran School

We would love to tour you around our campus and answer any questions you may have.
Camp Trinity… and Beyond!

Camp Trinity… and Beyond!

Camp Trinity is having a blast this summer! The collage of activities occurs on campus, and extends beyond to the greater Orlando Community.  So far in this kaleidoscopic summer, we have developed some cool new martial arts skills with IronLife Athletics; we sat on...

Super Viking Parent Awards 2018

Super Viking Parent Awards 2018

Naturally, attention at Trinity’s five graduation ceremonies at the end of this school term centered upon students and their success in classrooms throughout the year.  Trinity recognizes scholarly pursuits as well as character development in our quest to “Promote...

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church & School

123 East Livingston Street
Orlando, FL 32801



Trinity Downtown


A ministry of Trinity Downtown.

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