From Minute-To-Win-It, to enjoying Paddington 2 at the Cobb Theater downtown, a mock Color Run, the Orlando Science Center Mobile Lab stations in the gym sponsored by the PTL, dressing up with crazy hair or as mad scientists, the school Spelling Bee, or the Honor-Student Chapel and Reception, this year’s grand celebration of National Lutheran School Week centered on what makes Trinity special, our students.


Under the theme of Manifest the Spirit, Trinity Lutheran School Week also drew parents into the zest of this week-long celebration. Parents kicked off registration and enrollment for the upcoming school year with our traditional Kindergarten Round-Up, while at the same time, a new tradition of Round Table chats continued for parents and teachers to chart the current and future growth of the school. With our parent volunteers, the Mobile Labs from the Science Center became more than experiments in life science; the conversations with students brought a sense of life to science. Parents graced the Honors Chapel Reception, recognizing their children’s academic successes. And parents are supporting their children’s efforts by gathering pledges now for the upcoming Viking Challenge Color Run fund-raiser.


At the core of this “manifested spirit” is Trinity Lutheran Church. Students teamed with their teachers to read the Scripture lessons in each Sunday service for the past two weeks. School choirs shared the joy of Jesus. Middle School students washed parishioners’ cars. In his sermons, Pastor Doug emphasized the excellence of this Infant to Grade 8 ministry: the school Trinity Lutheran Church started in 1953 is full of God’s Spirit, bustling with spirit in classrooms and these very special community events. Echoing the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 14.12, Trinity Lutheran School is indeed “eager for manifestations of the Spirit, striving to excel in building up the church.”

To God be the glory!