This week is Staff Appreciation Week at Trinity Downtown.
All year long the dedicated staff of Trinity Downtown, in all ministry programs, work hard and give their personal best to make Trinity the special place it is — with Christ at the heart of all of it.
This week, when you see Trinity staff members in the hallways, classroom, and offices around Trinity’s campus, be sure to say, “Thank You!”
Pictured below are some photos submitted by TLS parents that highlight how much the personal contributions Trinity staff members make are noticed and truly appreciated!
- Special Care and Gentleness.
- Deaconess Liz cares deeply for our spiritual well being – you can call on her for support anytime!
- Can you feel the Viking love?
- Always a smile and a helping hand.
- These teachers are like a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!!!
- It’s such a joy to see this smiling face.
- “Hola!!! Mrs Maday is always so kind and sweet with our kids!
- The Garden of Exploration love Mr. TJ.
- The Fantastic Frogs are always jumping for joy with such great teachers leading the way!
- Coach Rottmann sharing the Word of God with our kids always with a smile and a sense of humor!
- Mrs. Lehenbauer giving special care and attention to our 1st graders.
- Trinity coaches go the extra mile, working and playing hard during the sports season.
- Teaching the Easter story, in full costume!
- The K-8 teachers dressed up for Dr. Seuss Day
- Deaconess Liz and Mrs. Green helping our children reach out to others.
- Trinity’s General Manager, Eric Havens, with Jesus over his shoulder! We appreciate all Eric does to ensure proper functioning of our campus and ministries!
- Stacey O’Rourke and Rosaida Bruno taking care of finance and HR! We appreciate their work behind the scenes to keep Trinity running smoothly!
- Miss Ashley always ready with a smile.
- Creating a special worship service to learn about & celebrate baptism, and baptize our children!
- Always time for fun!
- Dress up days are a blast with these special teachers!
- More of our fantastic dance team.
- Making daily devotions a priority before each school day starts!
- Ms Betlz helping our child with a special reading during worship.
- Lots of love and hugs!
- So much warmth and love given…
- Dr. B sharing his fun side.
- Miss Mary hard at work in the CDC office.
- Miss Stacey always taking time for our little ones.
- Special time teachers spent honoring Grandparents.
- Making Kindergarten Round-up lots of fun for the kids!
While not everyone was captured on camera, this small selection of parent submitted photos represents the heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for the entire Trinity staff and their personal gifts, talents & contributions to the Trinity mission and purpose!
Thank you for making Trinity Lutheran Church & School a Downtown Orlando treasure!