Trinity Lutheran School, serving children from infancy through grade 8, has experienced significant change throughout 2015; most visible among these changes is the opening of the New Century Center as the new home for the Child Development Center.
Much more can be expected for the 2016 New Year! Coming up next you can expect…
• the completion of all new construction around the Trinity campus and the subsequent dedication of the New Century Center
• the new, joint accreditation of the CDC and the School, by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) and National Lutheran School Accreditation (NLSA)
While details of the dignitaries and events of the dedication will be shared soon, the accreditation process is the focus of this posting.
While both the CDC and K-8 school programs have been accredited by NLSA since 1995, new for Trinity this year will be the coordination of our accreditation process jointly for the CDC and K-8 programs in our school. Also new is the pursuit of accreditation through SACS. Since March, 2015, committees convened to examine the following standards of excellence in education:
1. Purpose
2. Governance
3.Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
4. Student Services
5. Reporting Results
This results of this review will be presented in a comprehensive self-study report to be shared with visiting teams from SACS and NLSA in April. In 2016 Trinity Lutheran School, infants through grade 8, anticipates full accreditation, with Gold Seal accolades for the CDC program. 2016 will indeed be a banner year for Trinity!