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Learning is active at Trinity Lutheran School!
Get Ready For The 2016 – 2017 School Year
Trinity Lutheran School's K-8 program is now accepting applications for the 2016-2017 school year. Registration is open for any new families wishing to become part of the Trinity family, as well as those current families ready to re-enroll! Founded in 1953,...
Learning About Jesus
Here at Trinity, we're all about sharing the Gospel! In preparation for Easter, eight of Trinity's classes, totaling 160 students and 22 teachers/helpers, participated in "Rise Up," a fun-filled morning devoted to learning about the last week of Jesus' Life. This...
We’ve Got Spirit Yes We Do!
"We've got spirit yes we do! We've got spirit, how 'bout you?!" Most people are familiar with this popular cheer. It is heard during school events such as pep rallies and sports games. What does having spirit mean though? Having spirit means being proud of what you...
New Century Center Dedication
The Arts Are Alive at Trinity
The arts are certainly alive at Trinity! One way we learn about our world and show our appreciation for God's Creation is through the arts; singing, dancing, drawing, and acting. Trinity Lutheran School loves to promote the arts through not only through our art and...
Camp Trinity – Spring Break!
Spring break at Camp Trinity is going to be a blast! Camp Director, April Donati, tells us that we have amazing activities planned for our campers, both on-site activities and off-site field trips. They include adventures at local parks, walking to the library and...
Trinity’s Commitment to Healthy Habits
TLS Read-In 2016
More than 200 people came out to "Get Groovy" with Pete the Cat and his friends at this year's Read-In and Spring Book Fair. Kids gathered on big carpets on the gym floor to watch Pete the Cat (Ms. Colby), Pete's Mom (Ms. Stacey), and Gus (Mr. TJ) act out four stories...
Who Won Penny Wars ’16?
Everybody wants to know, who won Penny Wars this year? All of the children attending Garuna Christian School in Cambodia! With an introduction that helped Trinity students understand how special it is to have a brand new home for the CDC in the New Century Center...
VPK Lenten Journey
During Lent, Trinity Lutheran School VPK students are reflecting on Jesus' sacrifice for them and sharing ways they can practice their faith each day. In Ms. Kathryn and Ms. Liz's class, students came up with 40 ways they could practice their Christian faith. Each...
Materials In Our World
Our world is a big place with many types of buildings, vehicles, and objects that help us live in it. All of these objects are made of materials; from metal and minerals, to composites and ceramics. The Kindergartners have been learning about these in a unit called...
Trinity Lutheran School’s VPK and Kindergarten students met in the sanctuary to hear a special story about how deliberate acts of kindness can leave a lasting impression. Teachers read the book “Heartprints” by P.K. Hallinan and students learned all the ways that...